Phil Langlois
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iCal Integration
Miguel Martinez
Having iCal integration would make alot of sense, especially being a mac user and daylite.
Phil Langlois
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Sync Apple Calendar
Andreas Keck
Please integrate Apple Calendar
Erik Ayers
A must if you are using anything other than Google or Outlook for emails
Isaac Hinman
I'm new to Missive, and am tremendously impressed.
Like others here, I use iCloud calendar. My iCloud email address is on a custom domain:
I do have an old Gmail account, but I do not want to RSVP with that email address:
I wanted to share my workaround. It is possible to create a Google account with a non-Google email address. I simply created a new Google account with my custom email, and then had a Google Calendar linked to the same email.
In this way, I'll be able to use iCloud for mail, and Google for Calendar, on the same email address.
Laurence Cope
I have been asked to vote for this, although personally I am not sure why I shoud vote for something that should be just included. I am on a Mac and iCloud is just engrained into it. I could click a calendar link in any app and it would open and add it to my default Calendar app. But on Missive is decides to open one of either Google or MS calendar which is not even apps on my computer. So iCloud Calendar really needs to be in here. I use Calendly and just added it in there, so its possible. Thanks
Also, I am trying not to use Google in my life. Its harder than you think!!!! Because I use Missive I have to add it to my work Google calendar. Its not right to be forced to use Google or MS when I really dont want to use those services.
Phil Langlois
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Apple Calendar Support
Kevin Mattison | FAIM Reps, LLC
I love Missive but it's missing one very important feature, Apple Calendar integration. Many of my personal and business calendars are Apple (iCloud) based and there is no support on MIssive. Please add this integration ASAP!
Felix Torres
Any potential updates here? :)
x Suzanne Spaziani
say it again!
Rafael Masson
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iCloud Calendar integration
Alan Bailey
I’m trying to reduce the amount of separate apps I use day to day and have been using Fantastical for my calendar on MacOS, but as I work across all platforms now and fantastical has hugely upped their subscription pricing, adding iCloud calendar support would solve a lot of issues for me. Thanks
William Callahan
Has anyone heard anything from Missive about this?
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